Amazing Fenugreek Face Packs for Skin Whitening and Tightening: Fenugreek For Skin

Apply a fenugreek face pack on your skin and bring a natural glow to the skin, such a glow that you have never seen before.

Amazing Fenugreek Face Packs for Skin Whitening and Tightening

Fenugreek seeds are not only full of delicious tastes but are also full of many properties. Although, some people(including me) don't like the taste of it because the seeds are a bit bitter.

Fenugreek seeds contain minerals like potassium, copper and zinc etc. Also contain many vitamins A, C, K, and B6.

It is known to most people that Fenugreek seeds are very beneficial for our health. If you are suffering from the problem of constipation or want to lose belly fat, drink water with fenugreek seeds on an empty stomach in the morning.

Fenugreek is not only good for health, face packs made with fenugreek, but it is also beneficial for our skin.

So Here we will tell you, What are the skin benefits of fenugreek and How to make Amazing fenugreek face packs for skin whitening and tightening.

Skin Benefits of the Fenugreek

Amazing Fenugreek Face Packs

Amazing Fenugreek Face Packs for Skin Whitening and Tightening

1. Fenugreek and Turmeric Face Pack

Ingredients: 3 tbsp fenugreek seeds, 1 tsp honey and one pinch of turmeric powder.

How To Make: Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight. The next morning filter the water and separate the Seeds. Make a paste of fenugreek and take it out in a bowl. Add honey and turmeric to this paste. Mix it well. Apply this face pack to your face and neck. Wash off your face with water after a few minutes. Best for oily skin and helps to heal acne and acne scars.

2. Fenugreek and Milk Face Pack

Ingredients: 2 tbsp Fenugreek paste, 1 tsp Milk and 1 tsp of Aloe Vera Gel.

How To Make: Fenugreek seeds are soaked in water overnight and make a paste on the second day. Now add raw milk and aloe vera gel to it. Apply this paste to your skin. This work as a natural skin cleanser that removes excess oil and dirt from your skin.

3. Fenugreek and Curd Face Pack

Ingredients: 3 tbsp Fenugreek powder, 1 tsp curd, 1 tsp of rose water and 1 tsp of honey.

How To Make: Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Clean your face. Apply this pack to your face. Rinse it off after 10-15 minutes. 

Best for Dry, Rough and Flaky Skin. This face pack nourishes and moisturizes your skin by removing all the dryness.

4. Fenugreek Toner

Ingredients: 3-4 tbsp fenugreek seeds and 2-3 tbsp rose water.

How To Make: Make a powder by grinding fenugreek seeds. Put fenugreek seeds powder and lukewarm water together in a bowl.

Leave it overnight or wait for 2-3 hours. Strain the fenugreek water in a spray bottle and add rose water to it. Your Fenugreek Toner is ready to use.

Spray it at night before sleeping. This toner helps to prevent acne and many other skin problems like wrinkles, dark spots and anti-ageing skin.

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