Chia Seeds Face Pack for Glowing and Whitening skin

Chia Seeds Face Pack is the miracle mask for glowing, whitening the skin and eliminating wrinkles and dark spots.

Chia Seeds Face Mask for Glowing and Whitening skin

Chia seeds are very beneficial for skin care. There are plenty of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, protein, calcium, and fibre. These are very beneficial for both our health, skin and hair.

Chia seeds are one of the best seeds to lose weight fast. It is also the Best DIY HAIR MASK to prevent hair fall.

If we use chia seeds as a face pack, it helps to remove many skin problems. Chia seeds are one of the beauty secrets of Japanese women's skin

In this article, I have told about the skin benefits of chia seeds and will also talk about how to make chia seeds face packs for Glowing and Whitening skin.

Skin Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Face Pack

Chia Seeds Face Pack for Glowing and Whitening skin, ,Face Pack with chia seeds

1. Chia Seeds and Yogurt Face Pack

Ingredients: 2 tbsp of chia seeds, 1 tsp of yoghurt and 1 tsp of corn flour.

How to Make: Put chia seeds in a bowl. Add half a cup of water. Leave the chia seeds soaking overnight. Grind it well in a blender or grinder. After grinding the chia seeds well. We get a viscous mixture. Add yoghurt and corn flour. Mix it well.

We get a sticky and creamy mixture. Apply this face mask to your clean face. Apply it all over the face and neck. Leave it on your skin for 30 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water and then cold water. Then moisturize your skin with your daily moisturizer.

This face work as an instant face mask for whitening and glowing skin. For the best result repeat it daily for one month.

2. Chia Seeds and Honey Face Pack

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of chia seeds.

How to Make: Soak chia seeds in water for 30 minutes. 

After 30 minutes, strain the solution and add honey to it. Mix it well. Gently apply the pack to your face and leave it for around 5 minutes. Rinse your face with water.

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