How Can I Reverse GREY Hair Naturally At Home~ Permanent Solution For Grey Hair

How can I reverse grey hair naturally at home? If you want a solution for grey hair, then read this article till the last.

How Can I Reverse GREY Hair Naturally At Home

There was a time when greying hair happened to only older people. In today's time, the problem of grey hair is seen at an early age. This has become a concern for the young generation. Because grey hair at a young age can become a reason for empressement.

That's why it is necessary to know the reason behind premature greying hair and take proper treatment.

How can we stop greying of hair? Let us first see why hair turns grey at a young age.

There are pigmentation cells in our hair follicles. These pigmentation cells are called melanin, which naturally gives colour to our hair. The higher melanin in the hair follicles, the darker the hair colour. If the amount of melanin is less, the colour of the hair turns white.

As we grow older, there is a loss in these cells, resulting in a decrease in the intensity of colour and loss of hair colour. Premature greying of hair is experienced when the number of melanin decreases significantly at a young age.

Now we will know, The causes of premature grey hair and How Can I Reverse GREY Hair Naturally At Home? So that we can get a Permanent Solution For Grey Hair.

What Are The Causes Of Premature Grey Hair?

There can be many reasons for the premature greying of hair. The problem of white hair can increase if not treated at the right time.

  • Genetics
  • Vitamin B12 Deficiency
  • Thyroid Problems and Health Issues
  • Lack Of Nutrition
  • Stress
  • Smoking 

How Can I Reverse GREY Hair Naturally At Home

How Can I Reverse GREY Hair Naturally At Home

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Use these home remedies. It will prevent you from getting more grey hair. Apart from this, you can also consult with a dermatologist.

1. Fenugreek Hair Mask

Ingredients: 1-2 Fenugreek Powder, 2 tbsp of Amla Powder, 2 tbsp of Bhringraj Powder, 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel and 1-2 tsp of coconut oil or almond oil or olive oil.

Method: Mix all the ingredients and make a hair mask. Apply the hair mask on the scalp & hair and massage well. Keep the mask for 30 min to 1hr for nutrients to be absorbed. After that, shampoo your hair. Use it 2-3 times a week.

Fenugreek is the elixir for hair care and scalp health. It can cure every hair problem. Fenugreek seeds are known to treat hair fall and premature greying. This fenugreek hair mask makes your hair strong, healthy, and shiny. It comprehensively conditions your hair.

2. Gooseberry and Curd Hair Mask

Ingredients: 1-2 tbsp of Pure gooseberry juice, 2 tbsp of curd, and 1 tbsp of honey.

Method: Combine gooseberry juice, curd, and honey in a bowl. Apply it gently. Leave it for 10 -15 mins and cover it with a heat cap for better absorption. Rinse it off with mild shampoo. Follow it once a week.

Gooseberry and Curd Hair Mask helps to revive lifeless hair. It prevents premature greying of hair. Brings shine to the hair.

3. Pomegranate peels and Black Seeds Hair Mask

Ingredients: 5-10 cloves, a few pomegranate peels, 4-5 curry leaves, 1 tbsp of coffee, one tsp of black seeds and water.

Method: Take all the ingredients in an iron pan. Add water to soak all these ingredients. Put it on the low flame and Cook it. After cooking, cover it and leave it overnight. The next morning, put all these ingredients in a grinder and make a fine paste. Apply this hair mask all over the scalp and hair. Keep it for 2 hours. Then wash it with normal water. Use it twice a week for better results.

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Pomegranate seeds contain punicic acid, which strengthens your hair follicles and improves blood circulation in your scalp. It encourages hair growth by preventing hair breakage. Pomegranate and clove are best for promoting hair growth and preventing dandruff. This hair mask also acts as a natural homemade hair dye that imparts natural colour to your hair.

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