DIY Kiwi Face Mask at Home: Kiwi for Face

Kiwi for Face: Make an easy DIY kiwi face mask recipe at home and allowing pamper your skin naturally and effectively.

DIY Kiwi Face Mask at Home: Kiwi for Face

We all know that Kiwi is such a superfood full of properties in which calcium, fibre, carbohydrate and vitamin C are found in sufficient quantity. These properties are very beneficial for our health as well as for the skin. With its regular use, your skin glows naturally. 

Kiwi fruit is not just a delicious fruit; It also provides a variety of benefits for your skin. You can get healthy, glowing skin by including kiwi as a homemade face pack. In this article, we will learn about easy-to-make DIY Kiwi face masks at home.

Kiwi for Skin: Benefits

Kiwi, a delicious and vibrant fruit, also offers many benefits for your skin. Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, kiwi helps to nourish and rejuvenate your skin. 

Skin Benefits of Kiwi:- 

  • Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin C helps maintain the elasticity of the skin and reduce wrinkles. By including kiwi in your diet or using it as a face pack, you can get a youthful and fair complexion.
  • Kiwi contains many types of antioxidants, which protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Kiwi face packs reduce the ageing process and skin-related problems like wrinkles, fine lines and hyperpigmentation.
  • Uneven skin tone and dark spots can spoil your complexion. Kiwi reduces melanin production in the skin. Melanin is responsible for dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Regular consumption of kiwi or its external use can help in brightening your skin and making the skin tone even.
  • Kiwi has a high water content, making your skin well hydrated. Using it helps in improving the moisture level of your skin, as a result of which the skin remains soft.
  • Kiwi contains natural enzymes, such as actinidin, which offer gentle exfoliating properties. These enzymes help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, resulting in smoother and brighter skin. Incorporating kiwi-based exfoliating products or creating homemade masks can provide a gentle and effective exfoliation method for a refreshed complexion.
  • The combination of antioxidants and vitamin C in kiwi makes it a powerful ally in the fight against signs of ageing. These components help protect the skin from oxidative stress caused by UV radiation, pollution, and other environmental factors. By incorporating kiwi into your skincare routine, you can help minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

DIY Kiwi Face Mask at Home

Kiwi face pack is a homely available beauty treatment that uses kiwi fruit as a main ingredient along with other ingredients. We have told above the benefits of kiwi fruit, now let us know how to make kiwi face at home.

 Kiwi Face Mask/Pack Recipes

DIY Kiwi Face Mask at Home: Kiwi for Face
DIY Kiwi Face Mask at Home: Kiwi for Face

1. Kiwi and Curd Face Pack: 

Ingredients: 1 ripe kiwi, 1 tablespoon plain curd, and a few drops of lemon juice.

Method: Peel and mash the ripe kiwi in a bowl and make a smooth pulp. Add the curd and lemon juice to the mashed kiwi and mix it well. Apply the pack to your cleansed face and neck. (avoiding the eye area). Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry. Moisturize as usual.

Benefits: This face pack help make your skin whiten and brighten. It provides hydration and exfoliates gently due to the natural enzymes in kiwi. 

2. Kiwi and Honey Face Pack:

Ingredients: 1 ripe kiwi, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel.

Method: Peel and mash the ripe kiwi in a bowl. Add honey and aloe vera gel to the mashed kiwi and mix well to form a paste. Apply the paste to your cleansed face and neck. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with water and pat your skin dry.

Benefits: This face pack helps to hydrate and moisturise your skin. It helps to nourish the skin, improve its texture, and give it a healthy glow.

3. Kiwi and Oatmeal Face Pack:

Ingredients: 1 ripe kiwi, 1 tablespoon oatmeal (ground or finely powdered) and 1 teaspoon Semolina(Suji).

Method: Peel and mash the ripe kiwi in a bowl until it becomes a smooth paste. Add the oatmeal and semolina to the mashed kiwi and mix well to form a paste. Apply the mixture to your cleansed face and neck. Gently massage the pack in circular motions for a few minutes to exfoliate the skin. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Benefits: This face pack is blessed with exfoliating and cleansing properties. It removes dead skin cells and helps to get rid of blackheads.

4. Kiwi and Rose Petals Face Pack:

Ingredients: one ripe kiwi and 1-2 tablespoon Rose petals powder.

Method: Take one ripe kiwi and peel it. Mash the kiwi fruit in a bowl until you obtain a smooth pulp. Mix the rose petal powder with the mashed kiwi fruit pulp. Apply the mixture to your cleansed face and neck. Leave the face pack on for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the pack with water and pat your skin dry. (Read This: How To Get Pinkish Cheeks Naturally In A Week~ Get Pink Rosy Cheeks)

Benefits: Kiwi and rose petals face packs provide freshness to the skin. Nourish the skin and promote collagen production. These face packs help gently exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells and get a glowing complexion.

5. Kiwi and Fruits Face Pack:

Ingredients: 1 ripe kiwi, 1/2 ripe banana, 4-5 strawberries and 1 tablespoon honey.

Method: Peel the kiwi and mashed it well. Now mash the banana and strawberries separately until you get a smooth consistency. Mix the mashed kiwi, banana, and strawberries in a bowl. Mix it well. Add honey to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Apply the face pack to your face and neck. Leave the pack on for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the face pack with water. (Read This: Homemade Banana Face Mask for Dry Skin)

Benefits: This pack helps in brightening and whitening the complexion. It reduces the appearance of dark spots and pigmentation. The combination of fruits in this face pack provides a variety of vitamins and minerals, nourishing the skin and improving its overall skin health.

Special Tips: You can add any seasonal fruit of your choice to this kiwi fruit face pack.

How many kiwi fruits can I eat in a day for glowing skin?
Kiwi fruits are highly nutritious and contribute to glowing skin. Although there is no specific recommended number of kiwi fruits to eat for glowing skin, it is generally safe to consume 1-2 kiwi fruits per day as part of a well-balanced diet.

6. Kiwi and Saffron Face Pack:

Ingredients: 1 ripe kiwi, 3-4 saffron strands.

Method: Peel the kiwi and mash it in a bowl. Crush a few saffron strands into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. Add the saffron powder to the mashed kiwi and mix it well. Apply this Kiwi face pack to your face and neck. Gently massage the face pack into your skin in circular motions for a few minutes. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the pack with water and pat your skin dry. (Read This: How to Use Saffron for Skin ~ Saffron (Kesar) Face Pack)

Benefits: Kiwi and Saffron face packs can help to get a radiant glow. It improves skin texture and provides a natural glow.

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