Early Signs of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Early Signs of Pregnancy: Although pregnancy can only be confirmed after missing periods, some signs can detect pregnancy even before this time. 

Early Signs of Pregnancy Before Missed Period
Early Signs of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Most women associate a missed period with pregnancy because it is the highest sign of pregnancy. Sometimes, hormonal imbalance can also be a cause for delayed periods. Apart from missing periods, there are other symptoms of pregnancy. ( Read This: How to Lose Weight at Home without Exercise and Diet)

We help you to know the early signs of pregnancy before a missed period. The subtle but important signs may indicate pregnancy even before the missing period. This article gives valuable information about the physical changes that occur in a woman's body during the beginning of pregnancy. Let us take you through various invaluable early pregnancy symptoms to recognize the early signs.

Early Signs of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Early Signs of Pregnancy Before Missed Period
Early Signs of Pregnancy Before Missed Period

Early pregnancy symptoms can vary from woman to woman. Some may not experience symptoms in the first month's early weeks. Common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period may include:

1. Breast Tenderness and Swelling:

Hormonal changes, especially in early pregnancy, can cause the breasts to become tender and sensitive. Also, the breasts feel bigger. This can happen only one or two weeks after conception.

2. Fatigue:

One of the early signs during pregnancy is you can be feeling tired throughout the day. This fatigue starts from the first week of pregnancy.

3. Frequent Urination:

 Some women experience increased urination in early pregnancy due to hormonal changes. The problem of urination during pregnancy may be more severe at night.

4. Mild Cramps:

Some women may experience mild uterine cramps early in pregnancy, but these are usually mild in the early days. You may also feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, but this is normal. (Read This: Fastest Way to Stop Leg Cramps Immediately at Home)

5. Changes in Basal Body Temperature(BBT):

If you keep track of your basal body temperature daily, you may notice a steady rise in temperature during early pregnancy, which is a sign of pregnancy.

6. Changes in Food Aversions or Cravings:

Changes in your sense of taste and smell due to hormonal changes can cause disinterest or cravings for food. This means that foods you previously liked may now be disliked or cravings for other foods may arise.

7. Nausea and Morning Sickness:

Feeling nausea and vomiting, we also know it as morning sickness. Some women may start experiencing these a few days after their periods or within a few weeks of conception. Nausea and vomiting, commonly known as morning sickness, may begin. You can be felt at any time of the day or night.

8. Mood Swings: 

Mood changes can also be a sign of pregnancy. At this time, hormonal changes occur in the body, affecting your mood. Hormonal fluctuations Changes in your mood and emotional sensitivity such as irritability, crying or stress. (Read This: How to Reduce Anxiety and Stress Immediately)

9. Acute Sense of Smell: 

Women become more sensitive to odours during pregnancy, leading to nausea or aversion to certain smells.

10. Implantation Bleeding or Brown Discharge:

Implantation bleeding or Brown Discharge is a small amount of spotting that occurs approximately 6-12 days after conception when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. It is usually of short duration.

Note: It is important to remember that many of these symptoms may coincide with premenstrual symptoms, making it challenging to differentiate between early pregnancy and an approaching period.

So, if you feel you may be pregnant, especially if you've had unprotected sex and missed your period, take a home pregnancy test or consult a healthcare provider for a more accurate assessment of your pregnancy status.

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