Indian Home Remedies for Deep Sleep at Night: Insomnia

Indian Home Remedies for Deep Sleep at Night: Insomnia
Indian Home Remedies for Deep Sleep at Night: Insomnia

Good sleep makes you fresh and full of energy for the next morning. However, due to today's busy and stressful lifestyle, many people struggle with insomnia. Proper sleep is essential for a healthy mind and fit body, which helps reduce fatigue and stress levels. Lack of sleep can cause serious health problems.

If you are having difficulty falling asleep even after spending hours in bed, you may be experiencing insomnia. Luckily, some Indian Home remedies help for deep sleep at night. 

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Natural ingredients and lifestyle practices are the best Indian home remedies for deep sleep at night. Here are some remedies for better sleep. Stay tuned to learn more.

Indian Home Remedies for Deep Sleep at Night

Indian Home Remedies for Deep Sleep at Night: Insomnia
Indian Home Remedies for Deep Sleep at Night: Insomnia

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Time-tested Indian home remedies that contribute to promoting deep and restful sleep. These treatments, rooted in Ayurveda, improve sleep by calming the brain and nervous system and improving digestion.

1. Warm Milk with Ginger and Turmeric: Warm milk with turmeric is a home remedy that can help you sleep better. Mix a pinch of turmeric and a little ginger in milk and heat it. By consuming it daily, two hours before going to bed, the sleep-inducing properties of this mixture can be increased.

2. Ashwagandha Tea: Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that helps relieve stress. You can make tea by boiling Ashwagandha powder in water. Drinking this tea before sleeping may help you sleep better.

3. Sesame Oil Massage: Massaging the soles of your feet with warm sesame oil before sleeping can help promote better sleep. It is believed to balance the body's energy and promote relaxation. 

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4. Triphala Powder: Triphala provides digestive benefits. Taking a small amount of Triphala powder with warm water before bed may aid digestion and make you feel healthier.

5. Yoga and Pranayama: Doing light yoga and pranayama before sleeping can help calm the mind and promote better sleep. Practices such as Bhramari Pranayama can be particularly soothing in achieving sleep.

6. Make a Sleep Schedule: It is important to follow a regular sleep schedule for better sleep. Having a consistent time to go to bed and wake up each day helps regulate the body.

7. Cardamom Milk: Add a pinch of cardamom powder to warm milk and drink it before bedtime. Cardamom has calming, soothing and relaxing properties. 

8. Meditation: Meditation can help relax the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. Spend a few minutes in quiet meditation or practice mindfulness to promote a sense of calm before sleep.

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9. Saffron (Kesar) Tea: Saffron is known for its mood-enhancing properties. Adding a few strands of saffron to lukewarm water and drinking it before bedtime may help induce sleep.

10. Nutmeg and Cinnamon Milk: Boil one cup of milk with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Cinnamon and nutmeg have warming properties that may contribute to better sleep.

11. Fennel Seed and Cumin Tea: Drinking fennel seed and cumin tea before bedtime may help relax the mind and the digestive system. Fennel seeds have a mild flavour and both are known for their digestive properties.

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12. Hibiscus Tea:  Boil one cup of water and add a few dried hibiscus flowers. Let them steep in water for 5 to 10 minutes on low-medium flame. You can enjoy the benefits of drinking hibiscus tea by either adding jaggery or lemon to enhance the flavour. Sip on a cup of hot hibiscus tea at bedtime for better sleep.

13. Sesame Seed Ladoo: Prepare ladoo using sesame seeds, jaggery, and ghee. Sesame seeds are a good source of magnesium, and the natural sweetness of jaggery adds a comforting touch to mind relaxation.

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